Monday, June 21, 2010

Pink T-shirt

*Menunggu swiss vs chile babak ke-2*

These 2 days. or 3.
Dry pillow and clean bed.
I am wearing pink t-shirt.
I've even painted.

More canvases.
Perhaps seeing sunset.
My body is missing the sand.
My hair is begging for the wind.

He told me about his days.
His messy hair and noisy coffee maker.
I am touching you, G.
I am, from far away.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ice cream (Cold and Melty)

*with a cup of coffee and a ring that my finger has*

All winter, we got carried
Oh way over on the rooftops let's get married.
All summer we just hurried
so come over, just be patient, and don't worry.
So come over, just be patient, and don't worry.

*I remember the smell and the sounds. It was cold, sometimes freezing and it could be wet and very salty. I was sweating. I cried and I showed my teeth. 1 season felt like two. I don't mean to rush. But shouldn't I be? Marriage and its foolishness. The story and its demands.I don't want to. I've got a piece of paper. I wrote too many. I hoped too much, perhaps. But I am not guilty. Now I know, being good doesn't always take me to what is good. Not for now*

So come over, just be patient, and don't worry.
And don't worry.

*Yes I am patient. I've been taught so. But maybe not my mind. Those paintings are blind. They need the eyes. Some needs the lips. I put the colors. But they don't look colorful*


*I will always. But don't I deserve the same?*

No I don't wanna battle from beginning to end
I don't want cycle or recycle revenge
I don't wanna follow death and all his friends.

*I heard you, my friend. The time will come. And it would be a beauty. I don't try to hit back, even if I have to. I just need new days, and they should be better. Better. God, are You listening to me? Do You see my tears? Can You feel how I touch You when I put my head on the ground? I love this coffe too much, so does my tounge. A piece of smile*

A man sang, " I am not dead, I am just sleeping in my head"

*I would hug you, no matter I hate or love you*


Inspirated bY : ColDplay


Ya. Akhirnya yang sudah aku impikan jelas.
Jelas tak kan tergapai.
Tidak untuk saat ini.
Kasihan wajahku.
Tadi basah dan asin.

Yes, I am now in the middle.
Between the green tanktop and the comfy bed.
Would I wear it or sleep.
As I would pass the days.

Today :
a glass of milkshake and thousands of friend's jokes.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another 'sunday'

Seru sekali kembali ke pelukan teman-teman.
Hanya dengan kopi dan banyak bicara.
Thanks for your time. It was really fun.

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf


Sunday, June 13, 2010


Pagi ini aku menyadari bahwa banyak hal yang terlewatkan saat biasanya aku memilih untuk tidur selepas subuhan. Aku menyadari bahwa banyak hal yang lebih penting untuk ku-ucap dalam do'a-do'aku. Selfish. Entah kenapa aku menyempatkan untuk menulis ini meski tak panjang.

Semoga kesadaranku ini tak hanya milik hari Minggu.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sugar Street : Jalan Gula

Hari ini memang sudah rencana menyalurkan hobi foto-foto dan syndrom narsis ^^ bersama sahabat. Jam 2 siang bersama Vanny, kita mencari Jl.Gula di daerah Surabaya Utara, dimana masih banyak bangunan-bangunan sisa penjajahan Belanda dulu. Sempat kehujanan dan akhirnya 'menggemukkan' diri di resto cepat saji :P, plus muter-muter mencari jalan gula yang sempit dan kecil ini!

Yup! This saturday is time for me to do my hobby : taking picture^^. With my bestfriend, Vanny, we went to Jalan Gula(Gula street), a little street located in the north of Surabaya. At 2 14.00 we started to go there, caught by the rain and we spent some minutes in a fast food resto and we never thought it would be that difficult finding this street. Being confident and patient : Voila! We found it! :)

Jalan Gula (Gula Street)
Jalan ini terletak di daerah Surabaya Utara sana, di dekat Pasar Atum, bisa juga lewat Jl.Kembang Jepun. Ternyata pencarinya tidak sulit lho..Pasar Atum, putar balik, menyusuri Jl.Karet, dan tunggu saja di sisi kanan jalan. Lucunya, Jl.Gula terletak setelah Jl.Coklat. Lucu ya namanya! ^^ Cocok nih buat yang suka nyemil seperti saya (apa hubungannya coba...)

This street located in the north of Surabaya, near by Atum Market, laso can be reached through Jepun Street (Kya-Kya). It was actually not difficult. If you got lost, just ask someone, surely they know! :) We realised that before Gula Street, there's another street name Jalan Coklat (Chocolate Street). How cute!!! ^^

Kondisinya (the look)
Kaget juga sih, jalan yang sering dipakai untuk lokasi foto 'kuno' ini sebenarnya tidak sepanjang jalan asyik untuk dipakai berpose ^^.Bangunan kuno yang masih 'asli' hanya terletak di ujung jalan (dekat papan nama jalan). Itu pun beberapa pintu dan jendelanya sudah ditambal sana sini dengan kayu-kayu sisa. Terus terang, agak seram juga sih..kebayang kalau kesini malam-malan :S Sepanjang jalan ini masih digunakan untuk gudang stok barang-barang, banyak juga orang lalu-lalang (mungkin jalan ini juga jalan pintas ya..) Banyak tukang becak, orang jual bakso, mobil-mobil (udah tahu sempit..aku dan vanny terpaksa berusaha memeluk dinding agar tak terserempet!)..wah :) yang pasti, berkat kesabaran dan ehm..rasa pede yang kita paksa (banyak tuh orang yang heran, nih anak-anak ngapain manjat-manjat jendela, lari sana-sini bawa kamera, sampai make-up ditengah jalan segala) ^^, jadi deh beberapa foto yang cukup membuat kita puas dan ingin kembali lagi kesana!

It was kinda surprising, as the 'picture taking spot' is not located all along the street. The old look of Surabaya that we found was only a few meters from the end of the street. Some windows and doors are already broke and fixed with some residual woods. There are houses along the street used for storehouses. The old look of this street is kinda freaky! :S I can't imagine walking around here at night! While taking picture there were many becaks and motorbikes, also some food sellers. Even cars that we needed to 'hug' the wall else we might got hit ^^ Well, trying to be patient and over confident (haha some people looked at us so weird when we climbed the window or did make up :P), we made some pics that we find pretty cool! Next time we'll go there again ^^

(Click the picture to enlarge)



Bis dann!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Birds Poo : ff4%^4%$932R#%T$)WFhefw !!!

Okay, maybe it sounds ridiculous writing about Birds Poo. But I got this idea since someone texted me (oh my, he might be going to kill me after he read this post) and said a bird just did 'that' ^^ at his head and his shirt! Well, i'm sorry about what happened to you and hope everything is okay with you now. Well, it was 'just' ^^v birds poo not elephant's! (once again sorry!!!)

Maybe you guys ever had the same thing, walking somewhere and having a good mood and suddenly a bird dropped his/her 'love' at you! and it ruined you mood in a sec! Esp for you who were on the way to work or school, or even to date someone ;)

First, i wonder why birds poo is white? "(in some case is brown, right?) why not pink or pretty purple so i can use it for painting when my paint is out of stock? ^^

I got the answer from Ian, who is working working at the RSPB as a wildlife adviser and a master in Environmental Impact Assessment from the University of Wales.

,"Firstly, it is not actually the bird poo that is white, it is uric acid which is the bird equivalent to humans urine. Without going into too much technical detail, it is white due to the chemical reactions that occur within the urinary system to process the waste matter into a substance that can be safely excreted with minimal water loss.
Birds excrete waste products from the urinary and digestive tract at the same time through what is known as the vent after passing through an organ known as the cloaca. Because they are expelled at the same time but from different systems, they do not have time to mix which explains why bird mess usually consists of distinct coloured and white parts."

Myth :
Based on some articles I read, It might be that it means luck! I mean, theres sooo many people in this world (too much perhaps), in the city or even at the park but the bird picked you! I should ask him soon if something good happened after? ^^

Logic :
On the other side, logically, it might be kind of a warning since birds poo might carrying disease, i's poo!(or urine based on Ian's explanation) hello?
I got this article from BBC website :
Bird poo is known as guano, and can sometimes carry diseases and fungi, although it's unlikely that you'll catch anything from a stray plop on the head. If you find yourself having to clean lots of it from surfaces, mist it with water and wear a face mask to avoid inhaling anything nasty. Watch out for flu-like symptoms.

So okay, enough for the explanation, then what you should do when it happens to you?
don't get panic! If there's people around u laughing, tell them (acting calm) "oh..naughty bird" or "oh it means im lucky!" or "i know i chose the wrong shirt" ;) don't clean it with your hand, beside it's nasty, you might make it even worse as it will spread more. Take a leaf or tissue and clean it ONCE. quick! and get water to clean it as soon as possible.

Crazy Fact :
In Japan, birds poo used in a face cream. It is believed that birds poo contains Guanine that can bleach and exfoliate the skin. Okay, maybe I don't believe this, but who does? Victoria Beckham! check out at Yup, that's her “geisha face mask” ;)

Me-me :
I never experienced it, but once i've got attacked from a lil bird who came suddenly on my face. Surely that was a bad luck, It happened on the balcony next to my classroom at university and my nose was red with some 'scratching' decorations. It ruined my day and my friends kept on asking me what happened.

Well, thanks for mr.G who made me writing this hohoho ;)


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

*Hachi!* *Hachi!* *Hachi!*

Okay.. I don't really know what is going on with me, but I get flu so easily. Last time I got it, it was on May and it was so bad that I had to sleep with very heavy head since my nose was full!

And now it's coming back.. *hachi!*

Thise are what my fam said, why do i get flu?

Mom :
-too much cold drinks
-sleeping without blanket
-not enough vit.C
-this is flu season

Dad :
-"you got it from ur mom"
-too much cold drinks
-never drinks tea in the morning
-flu season

Bro :
-thats ur destiny
-broken heart
-"karma since u didn't cook for me last time"

Alright! *hachi!* Trying to ignore some weird reasons, i believe i got it from my mom who got flu also some days ago and still coughs many times (this is also the reason why i couldn't sleep well at night, i could hear it!), it could be this is just the season (for flu)'s almost dry season in Indonesia and it still rains sometimes..right, i don't like drinking tea in the morning coz it makes my belly sick and wanna go to toilet. I might not taking lot of vit.C but i do loveee orange.And yup, I do love cold drinks, even cold coffee! And's not because my heart is broken nor even karma! --' so it's just my destiny? haha.. *hachi!*

Well,based on my previous experience, my flu (oh my, i own this?) always starts with dizzy head and so much sneezing, then fever for maybe 2 nights and caughing for the rest of the week. i know it's really sucks and I do these to cure myself :

-"panadol cold and flu" pills always work for me, i take one in the morning and one before i go to bed
-hot soup, since i don't really into hot tea.
-hot noodle with many chilis! oh yeah this is my fave meal ^^ eating something spicy create waterfall (oops!sorry!) from ur nose so u can breath..
-sleeping with socks on! since i kick my blanket many times while sleeping.. --'
-eat! eat eat! i know any food would taste bitter but this is so important
-have some rest (except if u want to write on ur blog like what i am doing now ^^)

get well soon, me! *hachi!*


Monday, June 7, 2010

Short words

*Masih ditemani bola-bola coklat yang tersisa*

Dan pada akhirnya aku bisa lebih rileks. Jauh lebih rileks. Sadar bahwa semua tak melulu soal impian dan angan-angan muluk. Hey i'm not such a fanatic dreamer.
Tak kupungkiri kemarin otakku sibuk meletakkan hal-hal di waktu yang aku inginkan. dan pada akhirnya aku yang capek sendiri.

A good friend of mine, Anatoliy told me one, "Do you know to make God laugh? Tell him your future plans". Itu membuatku tertawa. Tapi aku percaya, memiliki rencana dan mimpi akan memotivasi Tuhan untuk memberi kita kemampuan lebih tuk meraihnya.

Semalaman aku terjaga. Sedikit tidur. Dan saat akhirnya bisa tidur, my mobile rang.
Aku sudah menantinya. Untuk sekedar mendengar suara dia mengetik. Dan menemaninya selayaknya orang pacaran di malam minggu.

Well, i'm out of words. Surely is, i'll try to have some fun today.

Bis dann!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Unfinished painting

Ini kanvas yang ketiga.
Pertama dan kedua sudah rusak.

Ini yang sempurna.
Garis-garis yang lurus.
Lebarnya sama.

Ini sangat serasi.
Warna-warna terang.
Dan wajah sawo matang.

Namun ini belum selesai.
Belum indah.
Belum ada kilau maniknya.

Tanpa mata.
Tanpa bibir yang merah.
Entah kapan kubuat kau tersenyum.

*for my unfinished painting

Bola-bola coklat

Selepas magrib-an

Seharian sudah aku sibuk memainkan 'mouse' laptop tuk mencari template yang sudah lama aku cari-cari (lebay mode = on). Yang awalnya tergiur sama templates berwarna-warni akhirnya jatuh hati sama template yang serba hitam begini. Entah lah, lebih simple saja(atau sangat simple).

Seharian (lagi-lagi) aku di rumah. Serasa jadi orang pemalas sedunia. Atau kesepian. Duh! poor me! Sudah 2 dvd aku tonton hari ini. 2 piring nasi padang beserta sambal hijau nan pedas (huahh) sudah tenggelam di perutku. Oh my, what should I do now?

Inginnya waktu berlari. Nggak cukup jalan cepat. atau jogging. Kalau perlu marathon deh. Belum ada kabar dari Geraud soal dokumen-dokumen untuk pengajuan (kembali) visa Prancis. Nggak mau sih lama-lama memikirkan hal ini. Prancis yang sombong (lebih tepatnya orang-orang yang telah mengecek dokumen-dokumen waktu di embassy), Prancis yang pelit (untuk sekedar mencetak sticker schengen visa), Prancis yang ughhhh (tarik napas dalam-dalam) terlalu curigaan! atau apa sajalah kata sifat yang tepat untuk kemalanganku ini.

Well, lagi-lagi aku berusaha untuk sabar. Bahwa sesuatu hal pasti ada 'ujungnya' entah bagus atau tidak. Iri juga sama orang-orang yang menyandang sifat 'cuek'. Boleh dong bagi sifatnya.

Oh ya, bola-bola coklat aku jadikan judul tuk post-ini karena mulutku sibuk mengunyah bola-bola coklat sambil mengetik :) Rasanya tak seberapa enak sih..harga per ons-nya sangat murah dibanding yang aku beli dalam kemasan :P Whatever.. u want some?

Semoga hari ini bisa mendengar kabar darinya. I wanna write more about LDR (Long distance Relationship) since I've seen lotson youtube yesterday. LDR : I hate the L and D but not the R! :D well,i realise I (uh..we are) am not alone! Catch u up later my bloggy bloggy ^^