Wednesday, June 9, 2010

*Hachi!* *Hachi!* *Hachi!*

Okay.. I don't really know what is going on with me, but I get flu so easily. Last time I got it, it was on May and it was so bad that I had to sleep with very heavy head since my nose was full!

And now it's coming back.. *hachi!*

Thise are what my fam said, why do i get flu?

Mom :
-too much cold drinks
-sleeping without blanket
-not enough vit.C
-this is flu season

Dad :
-"you got it from ur mom"
-too much cold drinks
-never drinks tea in the morning
-flu season

Bro :
-thats ur destiny
-broken heart
-"karma since u didn't cook for me last time"

Alright! *hachi!* Trying to ignore some weird reasons, i believe i got it from my mom who got flu also some days ago and still coughs many times (this is also the reason why i couldn't sleep well at night, i could hear it!), it could be this is just the season (for flu)'s almost dry season in Indonesia and it still rains sometimes..right, i don't like drinking tea in the morning coz it makes my belly sick and wanna go to toilet. I might not taking lot of vit.C but i do loveee orange.And yup, I do love cold drinks, even cold coffee! And's not because my heart is broken nor even karma! --' so it's just my destiny? haha.. *hachi!*

Well,based on my previous experience, my flu (oh my, i own this?) always starts with dizzy head and so much sneezing, then fever for maybe 2 nights and caughing for the rest of the week. i know it's really sucks and I do these to cure myself :

-"panadol cold and flu" pills always work for me, i take one in the morning and one before i go to bed
-hot soup, since i don't really into hot tea.
-hot noodle with many chilis! oh yeah this is my fave meal ^^ eating something spicy create waterfall (oops!sorry!) from ur nose so u can breath..
-sleeping with socks on! since i kick my blanket many times while sleeping.. --'
-eat! eat eat! i know any food would taste bitter but this is so important
-have some rest (except if u want to write on ur blog like what i am doing now ^^)

get well soon, me! *hachi!*


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